
OpenAI Announces ChatGPT's Surge to 200 Million Users Per Week

Explore the tech evolution of OpenAI's ChatGPT as it reaches 200M users, and analyze its significant impact on AI adoption among Fortune 500 companies, strategic tech investments, and more in the AI industry.

Manisha Sharma
New Update
ChatGPT's Surge to 200 Million Users

The technologies from OpenAI have been remarkably adopted, especially in business environments. The company claims that its products are currently used by 92% of Fortune 500 companies. Additionally, a noticeable rise has been observed in the integration of OpenAI's automated Application Programming Interface (API), which enables communication across software applications. The launch of the GPT-4o small model in July, a more affordable and energy-efficient variation of the business's AI model intended to draw in a larger clientele, is partly responsible for this rise.


ChatGPT, introduced by OpenAI in 2022, can produce responses that closely mimic human interaction. As of November, CEO Sam Altman reported that the platform had reached 100 million weekly active users.

The GPT-4o mini is an economical, compact version of the AI model, designed to be more affordable and energy-efficient. This strategic move by the startup aims to expand its customer base.

ChatGPT has significantly propelled AI into the mainstream, substantially increasing the market value of San Francisco-based OpenAI.


Some sources have indicated that Apple and Nvidia are currently in discussion to invest in OpenAI as part of a significant new fundraising round. This investment could potentially elevate the valuation of the ChatGPT creator to above $100 billion. Microsoft, a current backer of OpenAI, is also expected to contribute further investment to the company.

Strategic Collaborations and Investments

In a strategic move to further AI research and safety, OpenAI, alongside AI startup Anthropic, has inked agreements with the U.S. government for the testing and evaluation of AI models, as reported by the U.S. Artificial Intelligence Safety Institute. Moreover, industry giants such as Apple and Nvidia are reportedly discussing investments in OpenAI, with potential funding rounds pushing the company's valuation beyond the $100 billion mark. Microsoft, a longstanding backer of OpenAI, is also anticipated to increase its investment, signaling strong confidence in the AI firm's future.



OpenAI's latest user growth figures and expanding corporate partnerships underscore the accelerating integration of AI technologies in various sectors. With strategic investments and innovative developments like the GPT-4o mini, OpenAI is not only enhancing its market position but is also setting new standards in the AI industry. The company's focus on making AI more accessible and less resource-intensive continues to broaden its impact, paving the way for further technological advancements and market leadership.

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