
Startup Guide: Drive digital transformation success through digital adoption solutions

A survey by TCS says, 9 in 10 large enterprises are either maintaining or increasing their digital transformation budgets in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Startup Guide: Drive digital transformation success through digital adoption solutions

The uncertainties thrust upon by the global pandemic necessitated many companies to rethink the way they work in the dynamic business environment. An interesting trend was the acceleration of digital transformation efforts. From being a good-to-have strategy that gave an enterprise a competitive edge, digital transformation is now a business imperative. According to a global survey by TCS, 9 in 10 large enterprises are either maintaining or increasing their digital transformation budgets in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.


Digital transformation is not just about technology. It is about actualizing a fundamental change in the way an enterprise operates and delivers value; through its people and processes. In order to help enterprises embrace these new processes while also managing the newly adopted technologies, harnessing Digital Adoption Solutions (DAS) can have a significant impact. This is because DAS breaks away from focussing on technology alone, to understanding the human perspective of the digital transformation revolution.

Here are some of the aspects that make digital adoption tools critical to digital transformation.

Improves user experience


The digital transformation software you deploy is only as good as how well the intended audience uses it. Digital adoption tools truly understand user concerns. You can even customise it for individual needs, making it easy to access and use. DAS makes sure that user experience is simple and seamless, despite the level of technical know-how of the user. Additionally, it allows you to measure the success of your digital transformation efforts through metrics such as content usage, user engagement and the relevance of help content. Further, you can use these insights to improve user experience and re-engage lost users.

Decentralises digital transformation

Digital transformation involves a shift in mindset and organisational culture, and this takes time and effective leadership to implement. Traditionally, digital transformation projects fall under the gamut of the IT department. This is because of their understanding of complex technologies. But the need of the hour is an ICT transformation task force. It should consist of leaders from various departments who can collaborate on different functions to drive maximum efficiency. There is already a wind of change in the works. For example, HR leaders are already involving in digital transformation projects to improve organisational learning. To a certain extent, this is driven by the in-app guidance of digital adoption tools that involve practically no coding and is affordable to implement.


Boosts productivity and manages change

You may not always get the expected outcome from the various software you deploy in the organisation. While the goal may be to ease the life of the employees; the differences in processes and workflows may lead to cognitive overload for employees. They may engage less frequently with the tools meant to help them. This will, thus, lead to lower productivity. In such a scenario, real-time, contextual learning in the flow of work can help increase their efficacy of the tools. Further, DAS promote easy access and sharing of information, helping communicate changes in processes in advance. For the enterprise, this would also mean conserving on resources and time when deploying training and change management.

In a post-pandemic environment, automation and digitalization will attract attention like never before. As enterprise ride the wave of digital transformation, the focus on digital tools will magnify. Investing in the right DAS that fulfil their business objectives can help them maximise on their digitisation efforts.


(This post is written by Khadim Batti, CEO and co-founder Whatfix)
