
2020s & the Doomsday tech clock

In the 2020s, we have entered the world of many things that could go wrong. It was only fitting for a decade that began with the pandemic which changed society in more ways than one.

Sunil Rajguru
New Update

There are so many ways in which tech could destroy society, the world or simply bring dystopia. While that was by and large purely in the realm of fiction, the shadow of it has finally come into real life in the 2020s. Here are some of the things…
1. Written in 1909, EM Forster’s short story “The Machine Stops”, talks of an “omnipotent global machine” which takes care of all of mankind’s “bodily and spiritual needs”. People largely message each other all the time and live permanently in a standardized room. Sounds familiar? That’s what the Covid lockdown was like. What happens if we get another more permanent and widespread pandemic?
2. A sentient AI that goes rogue and destroys the world has been around for ages. But no-one really took AI seriously till ChatGPT. And then everyone went berserk. The whole world is finally hooked to AI and almost every major tech company in the world is trying to outdo ChatGPT. What could go wrong? Since then, non-profit OpenAI is planning to go in for a profit and Sam Altman could be a(n) (evil?) billionaire.  
3. The Crowdstrike outage led to the crash of millions of computers, the cancelling of thousands of flights and the overall loss of billions of dollars. Banking. Healthcare. Ground transport. Retail. They were all affected. Now this was a mistake. Now imagine if some malicious entity decided to do the same. Could their destruction be more widespread and permanent?
4. Everyone knows that your smartphone can be used to spy on you. All your appliances are getting smarter and could turn against you. But the Israel-Hezbollah war took that to another level. Even a low-tech pager can be lethal. Even handheld radios, walkie talkies and biometric devices were weaponized. This follows that almost any device and appliance can be used against you in the future.

ai crowdstrike internet-outage israel-defence-forces Gen AI