
Revolutionizing Farming: Sanjay Borkar Discusses FarmERP's Tech Edge

In an exclusive interview, Sanjay Borkar discusses FarmERP's use of Blockchain to enhance traceability and food safety in agriculture with Ciol. Read here to learn more insights about this.

Manisha Sharma
New Update
Sanjay Borkar

FarmERP, founded in 2001 by Sanjay Borkar and Santosh Shinde, is an innovative Agri-intelligence platform that revolutionizes farm management through AI and IoT. Serving mid- to large-sized farms, it offers solutions for procurement, processing, supply chain management, and food traceability. With 23 modules and a global reach across 30+ countries, FarmERP enhances productivity, profitability, and sustainability, supporting over 1.3 million farmers. The platform aligns with UN goals for Zero Hunger and Climate Action and continues to advance with AI-powered climate resilience solutions.


Sanjay Borkar, CEO & Co-Founder of FarmERP, has been leading agricultural digitization since 1996. With a Computer Science degree from the University of Pune, Sanjay is passionate about transforming agriculture through smart IT solutions. FarmERP, co-founded with Santosh Shinde, enhances farm management, offering savings in time, resources, and money. The platform, active in over 30 countries, supports farmers, government bodies, and more, advancing sustainability and food safety. As Sanjay says, “Understanding farming challenges drives our innovation to empower farmers globally."

In an exclusive interview with Ciol, Sanjay Borkar, CEO and Co-Founder of FarmERP, explored the technological advantages of FarmERP and shared insights on how the platform utilizes Blockchain technology to improve traceability and ensure food safety throughout the agricultural value chain

Could you provide a brief overview of FarmERP's journey, highlighting its inception, key milestones, and the vision that drives the company's mission to revolutionize the global agribusiness landscape?


FarmERP's journey began with a vision shared by myself, Sanjay Borkar, and Santosh Shinde: to revolutionize agriculture through technology. We saw the need for a more predictable agricultural future and co-founded FarmERP with the mission of empowering Agri-businesses and fostering stability in the sector. Over time, this vision has driven us to develop a comprehensive suite of digital tools covering the entire agricultural value chain. These solutions integrate advanced technologies like sensors, Internet of Agricultural Things (IoAT) devices, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), drones, and big data analysis. Today, FarmERP stands as a leader in digital farm management software, promoting "Digital Agriculture 4.0" and empowering stakeholders to make data-driven decisions. Looking ahead, with a key focus on predictability & sustainability, our vision remains ambitious: to digitalize 10 million acres of farmland within a year.

How does FarmERP ensure seamless integration with existing agricultural technologies and practices prevalent in different regions?

FarmERP achieves this through a two-pronged approach. Firstly, FarmERP practices "sensor agnosticism," meaning it integrates with widely used IoT sensors, a common feature across regions. This allows growers to leverage their existing equipment to gather vital data on soil conditions, weather patterns, and other crucial parameters. Secondly, FarmERP recognizes the diversity of agricultural practices. The platform offers customizable settings and adaptable modules that can accommodate various crop varieties, regional climates, planting methodologies, and resource management approaches. This inherent flexibility empowers users to select functionalities that align with their current practices, facilitating a smooth transition towards a data-driven agricultural model. In essence, FarmERP acts as a bridge, connecting existing technologies and practices with a data-driven future, fostering a smooth transition across agriculture industry worldwide.


How does FarmERP leverage Blockchain technology to enhance traceability and ensure food safety within the agricultural value chain?

FarmERP tackles food safety concerns by harnessing the power of blockchain. This technology creates a secure, shared ledger that tracks a product's journey from farm to fork. This immutable record empowers consumers and stakeholders to confidently follow their food's origin, processing, and transportation. Additionally, blockchain's ability to pinpoint contamination sources allows for faster, more targeted recalls, protecting consumer health. By providing this level of transparency, FarmERP builds trust throughout the agricultural chain, allowing consumers to make informed choices and fostering brand loyalty. FarmERP blends traditional methods like QR code with blockchain's unique security making it a game-changer for ensuring food safety in today's intricate supply chains.

Could you share some examples of how AI and ML-powered climate resilience intelligence has been implemented within FarmERP's platform?


Our platform uses weather data and historical trends to predict resource needs and potential weather disruptions, fostering informed farm planning and proactive decision-making. This translates to greater visibility and control, allowing agribusinesses to optimize resource allocation and contribute to sustainable practices. Furthermore, FarmERP leverages AI to predict pest outbreaks, recommend optimal nutrition for crops, and forecast potential yields. By providing real-time insights into crop health and climate conditions, FarmERP equips businesses to stay ahead of potential challenges and maximize productivity. Currently, we serve over 30 clients, benefiting 15 lakh farmers directly and indirectly. In addition to this, our platform excels in climate-smart agriculture, advising on water usage, nutrient application, and pest and disease management for improved farm efficiency and sustainability.

Could you outline the key strategies and initiatives undertaken by FarmERP to digitize 10 million acres of farms within the next two years?

We're expanding into key agricultural nations, focusing on the Middle East. Establishing offices there allows FarmERP to provide direct support, enhance marketing, and offer technical expertise to local farmers and agribusinesses. In FY 2024-25, we're launching a new platform version with advanced features. Sustainability is a priority; we're upgrading FarmGyan, our AI-based advisory, to focus on eco-friendly practices. We're also in talks to raise a fresh round of funds, boosting our plans for the International markets. FarmERP aims to revolutionize agricultural digitization, empowering farmers and agribusinesses worldwide and promoting a sustainable future.


Could you delve deeper into FarmERP's unique offerings such as Climate Smart Advisory and QR-based access control? How do these features contribute to the productivity, predictability, and profitability of farmers?

FarmERP revolutionizes farm management with innovative features like Climate-Smart Advisory and QR-based access control. Climate-Smart Advisory utilizes real-time data to offer tailored guidance on planting and irrigation, reducing risk and maximizing yields. QR-based access control fosters transparency in the farm-to-fork journey, empowering consumers to make informed choices and building trust. This transparency not only empowers informed choices but also strengthens brand loyalty and potentially boosts profitability through premium pricing. These features shape a more sustainable and successful agricultural sector focusing on 3P's.

Given the sensitive nature of agricultural data, what measures does FarmERP undertake to ensure data security and privacy for farmers and stakeholders using the platform?


Recognizing the sensitivity of agricultural data, FarmERP prioritizes the security and privacy of information entrusted to us by farmers. We leverage industry-standard, secure cloud storage solutions with encryption at rest and in transit. Access to user data is strictly controlled through role-based permissions, ensuring farmers have complete control over who can view their information within the platform. Furthermore, we anonymize data whenever possible to prevent identification of individual farms or farmers when using aggregated data for analysis.

To maintain a robust security posture, FarmERP conducts regular penetration testing and security audits to identify and address potential vulnerabilities. We also empower users through educational resources on data security best practices and maintain transparent data privacy policies that outline data collection, usage, and storage procedures. Additionally, FarmERP adheres to all relevant data privacy regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA. These comprehensive measures work together to create a secure and trustworthy environment for farmers and stakeholders using the FarmERP platform, allowing them to focus on optimizing operations with the confidence that their valuable data is protected.

Are there any plans to further enhance user training programs or introduce additional support resources to cater to the evolving needs of users?


Yes, we're constantly evolving our user training programs and support resources to meet the changing needs of our users. FarmERP provides a subscription-based suite of services covering implementation, training, customization, and integration. With users in over 30+ countries, we prioritize user training and support to ensure successful platform adoption. As we expand our reach, we're actively exploring additional enhancements to our existing programs. This might include the development of region-specific training modules, the adoption of interactive online learning platforms, and the creation of a user community forum where knowledge exchange can flourish. By constantly iterating on our offerings, we strive to provide a robust support system that caters to the diverse needs of a growing global user base.

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