Google revealed that students have submitted more than 1 billion assignments on Google Classroom, which was launched almost three years ago. The company also announced 10 new updates to Google Classroom and Google Forms(the GSuite tools) that help teachers manage their classrooms and communicate with students.
Google has updated Google Classroom a number of times including by adding a Chrome extension, a Coursework API, and email updates for parents. But now, Google Classroom is getting its biggest update.
The 10 new updates are as follows-
- Single view of student work: To help teachers track individual student progress, there is now a dedicated page for each student in Classroom that shows all of their work in a class. Teachers and students can see the status of every assignment, make personalized learning decisions that help set goals and build skills, and use filters to see assigned work, missing work, or returned and graded work.
- Reorder classes (pictured above): Teachers can now order their classes to organize them based on daily schedule, workload priorities, or however will help them keep organized throughout the school year. Students can use this feature too.
- Decimal grading: To be as accurate with feedback as possible, educators can now use decimal points when grading assignments in Google Classroom.
- Transfer class ownership: Things can change a lot over the summer, including who’s teaching which class. Now, administrators and teachers can transfer ownership of Google Classroom classes to other teachers, without the need to recreate the class. The new class owner can get up to speed quickly with a complete view of past student work and resources in Google Drive.
- Add student profile picture on mobile: Students will soon be able to make changes to their Classroom mobile profiles directly from their mobile devices, including changing their profile picture from the Google Classroom mobile app.
- Provision classes with School Directory Sync: Google School Directory Sync now supports syncing Google Classroom classes from your student or management information system using IMS OneRoster CSV files. Administrators can save teachers and students time by handling class setup before the opening bell.
- New Classroom integrations: The newest A+ apps in the #withClassroom family include Quizizz, Edcite, Kami, and coming soon,
- Display class code: Teachers can now display their class code in full screen so students can quickly join new classes.
- Import Quizzes in Google Forms scores into Classroom: Teachers will soon be able to import grades from Quizzes directly into Google Classroom.
- Add feedback in question-by-question grading in Quizzes: Question-by-question grading in Quizzes in Google Forms is being upgraded to let teachers add feedback as well.