
ESDM website now live!

ESDM website now live!

Pradeep Chakraborty
New Update

NEW DELHI & BANGALORE, INDIA: CyberMedia India Online Ltd (CIOL) has welcomed a new member to its family with the launch of an exclusive website on Electronics Systems Design and Manufacturing (ESDM).


Featured at, the new website is catering to the big four major industry segments -- electronics semiconductors, electronic components and solar photovoltaics.

ESDMUnder semiconductors, there are separate sub-sections on EDA, embedded, FPGAs, MCUs/MPUs, memory/storage, opto/displays, and power. Under components, there are separate sub-sections on active components, passive components, batteries/power, interconnects, LEDs/lighting and PCBs.

Under electronics, there are separate sub-sections on A/V rquipment, automotive, consumer, EMS, medical, personal/office, smart and TV/video. Under solar PV, there are separate sub-sections on batteries/inverters, BPV, CSP, hybrid, flat roof/ground mounting, lighting, power plant solutions, PV cells/modules/systems, solar HVAC, thermal solar, and water heaters.


Some of the articles on the site focus on technologies that will likely transform the world over the next five years, how the Internet of Things stimulates MEMS market, Broadcom's 40/50/100GbE PAM-4 physical layer device, 20 percent growth in automotive HMI components forecasted, and MediaTek powering exceptional home audio experience with Google Cast for audio.

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esdm electronics