
Cxo of the week: Ronak Gajjar, Director & CFO, Sattrix

Explore how Ronak Gajjar, Director & CFO of Sattrix, and CXO of the Week, discusses the company's journey, AI-driven cybersecurity solutions, global challenges, and growth plans.

Manisha Sharma
New Update
Ronak Gajjar

Sattrix Group, established in 2013, specializes in comprehensive technology solutions, focusing on information security, cybersecurity, and software development. Operating through two key divisions—Sattrix Information Security and Sattrix Software Solutions—the company delivers expert services in protecting critical assets and developing tailored software solutions. With a global footprint spanning the EMEA and North America regions, Sattrix boasts over 21 million hours of experience and a track record of 500+ projects across 12 countries. The company’s advanced 24x7 Security Operations Center ensures continuous threat monitoring and support. Under the leadership of Ronak Gajjar, the HR Director with 18+ years of experience, Sattrix fosters a dynamic work environment that prioritizes employee growth and inclusivity.


In this insightful interview, we sit down with Ronak Gajjar, HR Director of Sattrix Group, to explore the company's remarkable journey since its inception in 2013.

Can you provide a brief overview of Sattrix Information Security and its journey since its inception in 2013?

Sattrix Information Security was founded in 2013 with the mission of delivering cost-effective yet efficient Managed Security Services to customers worldwide, including India. Our goal has always been to position India as a cybersecurity powerhouse, much like its reputation in software services. Since our inception, we have accumulated significant experience in real-world cybersecurity scenarios, allowing us to provide unparalleled expertise and service to our clients. In a significant milestone, Sattrix Information Security Ltd (BSE: SATTRIX) made a remarkable debut on the BSE platform with its Initial Public Offering (IPO) this year, further establishing its reputation as a distinguished IT and Cyber Security Solution provider.


How has the mission of Sattrix evolved in response to the rapidly changing cybersecurity landscape?

The cybersecurity landscape has transformed dramatically since Sattrix's inception in 2013, and our mission has evolved accordingly to meet these new challenges. Initially, our focus was on providing foundational security solutions tailored to the specific needs of our clients. However, as cyber threats have grown more sophisticated and the digital environment has become increasingly complex, our mission has expanded to encompass a more holistic approach to cybersecurity.

Today, our mission is centered on delivering adaptive, comprehensive security solutions that not only protect our clients from current threats but also anticipate future challenges. We've shifted from a reactive to a proactive stance, leveraging advanced technologies like AI and machine learning to predict and prevent cyber incidents before they occur.


Furthermore, in response to the growing importance of regulatory compliance and data privacy, we've incorporated these elements into our core offerings, ensuring that our clients not only stay secure but also remain compliant with the latest legal requirements.

The most recent evolution of our mission is reflected in our milestone of becoming a publicly listed company on the BSE. This move empowers us to scale our operations, invest in cutting-edge technologies, and continue to innovate in response to the ever-changing cybersecurity landscape. Our mission now is to lead the way in creating a safer digital world by providing world-class cybersecurity solutions and services that evolve alongside the threats they counter.

What role does AI and machine learning play in your managed security services? Can you provide examples of how these technologies enhance your offerings? Could you elaborate on the unique advantages your AI-driven managed security services offer to small, mid, and large-scale enterprises?


AI and machine learning play a pivotal role in enhancing our managed security services at Sattrix. These technologies enable the creation of automated security systems that perform tasks like natural language processing, face detection, and threat detection. AI-driven threat detection systems allow for prompt responses to emerging threats, providing critical support for cybersecurity professionals.

We at Satrrix, have developed our own SOC tools and platform with significant AI/ML capabilities, designed for maximum effectiveness due to our operational background. These tools not only enhance our service offerings but also ensure affordability. This makes our AI-driven managed security services uniquely advantageous for small, mid, and large-scale enterprises by providing advanced, cost-effective security solutions tailored to their specific needs.

What challenges do you face when delivering cybersecurity solutions globally, and how do you overcome them?


We encounter several challenges when delivering cybersecurity solutions globally. One major issue is that many customers lack structured cybersecurity plans. To address this, we conduct comprehensive assessments and develop tailored security frameworks for their technology and operations. Another challenge is the presence of too many vendors and point solutions in the cybersecurity landscape. We optimize this environment by providing a single point of contact for services spanning a wide range of technologies. Additionally, the skills shortage in cybersecurity is a significant hurdle. We overcome this by implementing an in-house training program designed to upskill and cross-skill our engineers, dedicating substantial time and effort to ensure our team is highly trained and prepared.

What emerging trends in cybersecurity do you see as most impactful in the next 3-5 years, and how is Sattrix preparing to address them?

In the next 3-5 years, several emerging trends in cybersecurity will significantly impact the landscape. One key trend is the increased deployment of automation to enhance accuracy and address skill shortages. At Sattrix, we are already ahead of the maturity curve in this area, leveraging automation to streamline and strengthen our cybersecurity measures.


Another crucial trend is AI-based threat detection, which will be essential for proactive threat management, especially in combating the growing threat of deep fakes. Sattrix is well-prepared for this shift, and has dedicated research teams that continuously monitor market trends and customer environments. We also collaborate with various companies and organizations to develop innovative solutions and services to tackle these emerging challenges.

What feedback have you received from clients about your services, and how has it influenced your offerings?

We are deeply thankful to our customers and partners for continually providing feedback on a wide range of topics over the years. This feedback covers everything from specific solution requirements to improvements in service delivery and their priorities for the future. We ensure that our priorities are in sync with those of our customers and partners, regularly developing new services every quarter based on their input.


What are Sattrix’s plans for future growth and expansion, both in terms of services and geographical reach?

We plan to expand both geographically and in terms of new services. Our goal is to launch at least one new service and enter a new city every quarter. Unlike some companies, we have no plans to exit the Indian market, which remains very important to us. Additionally, we aim to generate 50% of our revenues from international markets within the next 3-4 years.

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