Apple has decided to do away with the OS X name in favor of the new "macOS Sierra" name to bring the latest Mac operating system. And what makes this party time for Apple fans is that the latest macOS is available as a free update in the Mac App Store.
Though the update is free, you will have to purchase iCloud storage to deploy most of its important features. Simply because, the free 5 GB storage provided by Apple is not going to be enough for the most users.
Nevertheless, here's a list of the features coming up with the latest macOS:
We will finally get Siri on desktop also:
Taking complete advantage of the most publicized Artificial Intelligence - Siri - now, you can ask help in sending messages and emails, finding documents, looking up information, searching a user’s photo library, adjusting system preferences and a whole host of other, assorted tasks. Users can also drag and drop Siri results into documents or pin them into their Today view for later reference.
Currently, Siri does not work with third-party app integrations.
Apple Pay can make your transactions safer and easier:
We are sure you enjoy Apple Pay in iPhone; it's the safest and most convenient payment systems. Well, the experience is now available on the web as well. You can now click the Apple Pay button at checkout on nearly 300,000 participating websites and then complete their purchase with Touch ID on iPhone 6 or with Apple Watch.
Basically, your information is stored on Apple servers instead of being shared with the merchants. Authentication takes place using the Ultra-Safe touch ID. An extremely strong encryption protects all communication between a user’s device and the Apple Pay servers.
The service is not yet available in all markets, including India. You can check if your country is on the list of available places by clicking here.
Memories will automatically create curated albums:
Another feature that was already available on several other platforms – Memories - can automatically create curated collections of occasions and create beautiful collections out of your pictures on the Mac.
The system works by using an extremely advanced computer vision to identify faces, objects, and scenes in your images, photos can be matched together based upon their content.
Cloud, here comes the Sierra:
With Optimized Storage feature, Apple will now quietly upload them to the cloud, freeing up memory on your system to ensure that you have plenty of space left on your machine.
Moreover, you can store the contents of your Desktop and Documents folders and sync them to your other devices — Macs, iPhones, or iPads. However, you cannot store and sync files selectively. You can either choose to sync all the content or not sync it at all.
You can also float videos from either Safari or iTunes in a window over the desktop. The window can be resized, dragged and pinned to any corner of the screen making life much more bearable for users who can now watch videos while they work.